Results for 'Elisabeth Huis in'T. Veld'

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  1. Introducing “The Sustainable Port”: A Serious Game to Study Decision-Making in Port-Related Environments.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in 'T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2024 - 2024 Ieee Gaming, Entertainment, and Media Conference (Gem) 1:1-6.
    In this paper, we report on the development of The Sustainable Port video game, which aims to simulate the complex dynamics and decisions occurring in the present and future development of a port area considering environmental aspects (CO2 emissions) and profit. To evaluate if this game fulfills its purpose, we asked 75 students and 34 employees at the Port of Rotterdam (PoR) to play The Sustainable Port. Our results show that PoR employees score higher than students suggesting a transfer between (...)
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    The Facial Expressive Action Stimulus Test. A test battery for the assessment of face memory, face and object perception, configuration processing, and facial expression recognition.Beatrice de Gelder, Elisabeth M. J. Huis in ‘T. Veld & Jan Van den Stock - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:162648.
    There are many ways to assess face perception skills. In this study, we describe a novel task battery FEAST (Facial Expression Action Stimulus Test) developed to test recognition of identity and expressions of human faces as well as stimulus control categories. The FEAST consists of a neutral and emotional face memory task, a face and object identity matching task, a face and house part-to-whole matching task, and a human and animal facial expression matching task. The identity and part-to-whole matching tasks (...)
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  3. Detecting Experts Using a MiniRocket: Gaze Direction Time Series Classification of Real-Life Experts Playing the Sustainable Port.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in ’T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2025 - Gala 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 15348:177–187.
    This study aimed to identify real-life experts working for a port authority and lay people (students) who played The Sustainable Port, a serious game aiming to simulate the dynamics occurring in a port area. To achieve this goal, we analyzed eye gaze data collected noninvasively using low-grade webcams from 28 participants working for the port authority of the Port of Rotterdam and 66 students. Such data were used for a classification task implemented using a MiniRocket classifier, an algorithm used for (...)
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  4. Know Your Game, From in-Real Life Experts to Video Game Experts: Discriminating in-Real Life Experts From Non-Experts Using Blinks and EAR-Derived Features.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in'T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2024 - IEEE Transactions on Games 1:1-12.
    Serious games are an effective method of reproducing aspects of the complex interplay between environments and stakeholders in business situations. In the game we describe here, The Sustainable Port, players experience what it is like to make decisions in such a complex environment. Their aim in the game is to grow the Port of Rotterdam while keeping economic growth in balance with sustainability goals. In this study, we assessed whether experienced Port of Rotterdam employees (PoR employees) show different psychophysiological patterns, (...)
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  5. Predicting Tetris Performance Using Early Keystrokes.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in 'T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2023 - Fdg '23: Proceedings of the 18Th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games 46:1-4.
    In this study, we predict the different levels of performance in a Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Tetris session based on the score and the number of matches played by the players. Using the first 45 seconds of gameplay, a Random Forest Classifier was trained on the five keys used in the game obtaining a ROC_AUC score of 0.80. Further analysis revealed that the number of down keys (forced drop) and the number of left keys (left translation) are the most relevant (...)
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    Out of the Maze: Investigating Fluid Intelligence and Numeracy as Predictive Factors of Planning Skills Using Video Games.Gianluca Guglielmo, Elisabeth Huis in 'T. Veld, Michal Klincewicz & Pieter Spronck - 2022 - In Kristian Kiili, Koskinen Antti, Francesca de Rosa, Muhterem Dindar, Michael Kickmeier-Rust & Francesco Bellotti, Games and Learning Alliance. GALA 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13647. Springer International Publishing. pp. 202--211.
    The aim of this study was to test whether an online video game can be used to investigate planning ability and whether fluid intelligence, objective numeracy, and subjective numeracy are predictive of game performance. Our results demonstrate that fluid intelligence is particularly important, which is in line with previous non-game-based studies that show a relationship between classical planning tests and fluid intelligence. Video games have been previously used for research into cognitive processes and taking them online facilitates data collection on (...)
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  7. Tracking Early Differences in Tetris Perfomance Using Eye Aspect Ratio Extracted Blinks.Gianluca Guglielmo, Michal Klincewicz, Elisabeth Huis in 'T. Veld & Pieter Spronck - 2023 - IEEE Transactions on Games 1:1-8.
    This study aimed to evaluate if eye blinks can be used to discriminate players with different performance in a session of Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) Tetris. To that end, we developed a state-of-the-art method for blink extraction from EAR measures, which is robust enough to be used with data collected by a low-grade webcam such as the ones widely available on laptop computers. Our results show a significant decrease in blink rate per minute (blinks/m) during the first minute of playing (...)
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    The Neural Basis of Individual Face and Object Perception.Rebecca Watson, Elisabeth M. J. Huis in ’T. Veld & Beatrice de Gelder - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:171072.
    We routinely need to process the identity of many faces around us, and how the brain achieves this is still the subject of much research in cognitive neuroscience. To date, insights on face identity processing have come from both healthy and clinical populations. However, in order to directly compare results across and within participant groups, and across different studies, it is crucial that a standard task is utilised which includes different exemplars (for example, non-face stimuli along with faces), is memory-neutral, (...)
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    It’s getting personal: The ethical and educational implications of personalised learning technology.Iris Huis in ’T. Veld & Michael Nagenborg - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 6 (1):44.
    Personalised learning systems—systems that predict learning needs to tailor education to the unique learning needs of individual students—are gaining rapid popularity. Praise for educational technology is often focused on how technology will benefit school systems, but there is a lack of understanding of how it will affect the student and the learning process. By uncovering what the meaning of ‘personal’ is in educational philosophy and as embodied in the technology, we illustrate that these two understandings are different regarding the autonomy (...)
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  10. Conservatism among Merchants? Codification and Customary Mercantile Law Traditions in the Netherlands.Cornelis Marinus in ’T. Veld - 2020 - Noesis 34:217-241.
    After the French Revolution, the codification movement led to the introduction of the Dutch Civil Code and the Commercial Code of 1838. These codifications were generally regarded as the bedrock of a dogmatic system in which little space was left for customs and customary law. Mercantile jurists, such as Holtius and Levy, were opponents of the legalistic approach of the new codifications. They tried to separate mercantile law from civil law in order to protect mercantile law from excessive legalistic influences. (...)
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    Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Health Care: A Narrative Review.Aaron T. Hui, Shawn S. Ahn, Carolyn T. Lye & Jun Deng - 2021 - Ethics in Biology, Engineering and Medicine 12 (1):55-71.
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    An Event-related Potential Study on the Interaction between Lighting Level and Stimulus Spatial Location.Luis Carretié, Elisabeth Ruiz-Padial & María T. Mendoza - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    The doctrine of God in reformed orthodoxy, Karl Barth, and the Utrecht School: a study in method and content.Roelf T. Te Velde - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    In The Doctrine of God Dolf te Velde examines the interaction of method and content in three historically important accounts of the doctrine of God.
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    The view of Hong Kong parents on secondary use of dried blood spots in newborn screening program.L. L. Hui, E. A. S. Nelson, H. B. Deng, T. Y. Leung, C. H. Ho, J. S. C. Chong, G. P. G. Fung, J. Hui & H. S. Lam - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    Background Residual dried blood spots (rDBS) from newborn screening programmes represent a valuable resource for medical research, from basic sciences, through clinical to public health. In Hong Kong, there is no legislation for biobanking. Parents’ view on the retention and use of residual newborn blood samples could be cultural-specific and is important to consider for biobanking of rDBS. Objective To study the views and concerns on long-term storage and secondary use of rDBS from newborn screening programmes among Hong Kong Chinese (...)
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    Variation in phonological bias: Bias for vowels, rather than consonants or tones in lexical processing by Cantonese-learning toddlers.Hui Chen, Daniel T. Lee, Zili Luo, Regine Y. Lai, Hintat Cheung & Thierry Nazzi - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104486.
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    Refleksjonsgrupper i etikk: «Pusterom» eller læringsarena?Siri Tønnessen, Lillian Lillemoen & Elisabeth Gjerberg - 2016 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):75-90.
    Siden 2007 har HOD og KS satset store ressurser på prosjektet «Samarbeid om etisk kompetanseheving» i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester. Hensikten med prosjektet har vært å heve de ansattes etiske kompetanse, og ett av de iverksatte tiltakene har vært å etablere refleksjonsgrupper i etikk. Denne artikkelen er basert på en evaluering av arbeidet i refleksjonsgruppene med fokus på hvordan etikkveilederen, også kalt fasilitator, beskriver arbeidet i gruppene. Hensikten med studien var å utvikle kunnskap om hvordan arbeidet med etikk-refleksjon foregår, samt (...)
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    "Mad Mothers, Bad Mothers": Resisting Stigma and Embracing Grace as Dis-ease.Elisabeth T. Vasko - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (1):141-159.
    This article examines the stigma surrounding mental health, drawing out implications for Christian theological anthropology and ethics. As I argue, the stigma surrounding maternal madness engenders the sociocultural and religious veiling of affective and sexual difference within Western Christian milieu reflecting a heteropatriarchal framework for articulating the value of bodies, emotions, and control. In practice and theory, this framework places mothers with affective mood disorders outside of economies of care and goodness. Such logic veils the ways in which maternal madness (...)
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    Active coping strategies and less pre-pandemic alcohol use relate to college student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic.Elisabeth Akeman, Mallory J. Cannon, Namik Kirlic, Kelly T. Cosgrove, Danielle C. DeVille, Timothy J. McDermott, Evan J. White, Zsofia P. Cohen, K. L. Forthman, Martin P. Paulus & Robin L. Aupperle - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo further delineate risk and resilience factors contributing to trajectories of mental health symptoms experienced by college students through the pandemic.Participantsn = 183 college students.MethodsLinear mixed models examined time effects on depression and anxiety. Propensity-matched subgroups exhibiting “increased” versus “low and stable” depression symptoms from before to after the pandemic-onset were compared on pre-pandemic demographic and psychological factors and COVID-related experiences and coping strategies.ResultsStudents experienced worsening of mental health symptoms throughout the pandemic, particularly during Fall 2020 compared with Fall 2019. (...)
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    Intentionalität: Begriffsgeschichte und Begriffsanwendung in der Psychologie.Elisabeth Baumgartner - 1985 - Würzburg: Königshausen + Neumann.
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    Defying Food – How Distance Determines Monkeys’ Ability to Inhibit Reaching for Food.Astrid F. Junghans, Elisabeth H. M. Sterck, Anne Overduin de Vries, Catharine Evers & Denise T. D. De Ridder - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Do ambient urban odors evoke basic emotions?Sandra T. Glass, Elisabeth Lingg & Eva Heuberger - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Do Political and Economic Choices Rely on Common Neural Substrates? A Systematic Review of the Emerging Neuropolitics Literature.Sekoul Krastev, Joseph T. McGuire, Denver McNeney, Joseph W. Kable, Dietlind Stolle, Elisabeth Gidengil & Lesley K. Fellows - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  23. The Influence of State Anxiety on Fear Discrimination and Extinction in Females.Pauline Dibbets & Elisabeth A. T. Evers - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Case Report: Aperiodic Fluctuations of Neural Activity in the Ictal MEG of a Child With Drug-Resistant Fronto-Temporal Epilepsy.Saskia van Heumen, Jeremy T. Moreau, Elisabeth Simard-Tremblay, Steffen Albrecht, Roy W. R. Dudley & Sylvain Baillet - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Successful surgical treatment of patients with focal drug-resistant epilepsy remains challenging, especially in cases for which it is difficult to define the area of cortex from which seizures originate, the seizure onset zone. Various diagnostic methods are needed to select surgical candidates and determine the extent of resection. Interictal magnetoencephalography with source imaging has proven to be useful for presurgical evaluation, but the use of ictal MEG data remains limited. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether pre-ictal (...)
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    Die Intertextualität der Bilder: Methodendiskussionen zwischen Kunstgeschichte und Literaturtheorie.Elisabeth-Christine Gamer - 2018 - Berlin: Reimer.
    Das Nachdenken über Beziehungen zwischen Bildern ist ein kunsthistorisches Kerngeschäft. Zugleich ist es jedoch auch eine Herausforderung für die Theorien und Methoden des Faches. Was bedeutet es daher, im Rückgriff auf die Literaturtheorie von der Intertextualität der Bilder zu sprechen? Worin besteht der Unterschied zur Rede von Bildzitaten, vom Bezug auf Quellen oder die ikonografische Tradition? Seit den 1960er Jahren wird dies lebhaft diskutiert. Elisabeth-Christine Gamer zeichnet in ihrem Buch die Geschichte des Diskurses über fünf Dekaden nach und berücksichtigt (...)
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  26. Perspectives in imaginative engagement with fiction.Elisabeth Camp - 2017 - Philosophical Perspectives 31 (1):73-102.
    I take up three puzzles about our emotional and evaluative responses to fiction. First, how can we even have emotional responses to characters and events that we know not to exist, if emotions are as intimately connected to belief and action as they seem to be? One solution to this puzzle claims that we merely imagine having such emotional responses. But this raises the puzzle of why we would ever refuse to follow an author’s instructions to imagine such responses, since (...)
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    Ethics Education in U.S. Allopathic Medical Schools: A National Survey of Medical School Deans and Ethics Course Directors.Chad M. Teven, Michael A. Howard, Timothy J. Ingall, Elisabeth S. Lim, Yu-Hui H. Chang, Lyndsay A. Kandi, Jon C. Tilburt, Ellen C. Meltzer & Nicholas R. Jarvis - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (4):328-341.
    Purpose: to characterize ethics course content, structure, resources, pedagogic methods, and opinions among academic administrators and course directors at U.S. medical schools. Method: An online questionnaire addressed to academic deans and ethics course directors identified by medical school websites was emailed to 157 Association of American Medical Colleges member medical schools in two successive waves in early 2022. Descriptive statistics were utilized to summarize responses. Results: Representatives from 61 (39%) schools responded. Thirty-two (52%) respondents were course directors; 26 (43%) were (...)
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick Ferré. These essays, informed by the insights of Ferré and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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  29. Perspectives and Frames in Pursuit of Ultimate Understanding.Elisabeth Camp - 2019 - In Stephen Robert Grimm, Varieties of Understanding: New Perspectives From Philosophy, Psychology, and Theology. New York, New York: Oup Usa. pp. 17-45.
    Our ordinary and theoretical talk are rife with “framing devices”: expressions that function, not just to communicate factual information, but to suggest an intuitive way of thinking about their subjects. Framing devices can also play an important role in individual cognition, as slogans, precepts, and models that guide inquiry, explanation, and memory. At the same time, however, framing devices are double-edged swords. Communicatively, they can mold our minds into a shared pattern, even when we would rather resist. Cognitively, the intuitive (...)
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    The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Set.Michael T. Gibbons, Diana Coole, Elisabeth Ellis & Kennan Ferguson (eds.) - 2014 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The Encyclopedia of Political Thought is the most comprehensive and rigorous treatment of significant political thinkers, political theories, concepts, ideas, and schools of thought. Comprises over 900 A-Z entries, including brief definitions, biographies, and major topics, written by a team of 700 contributors from around the world Explores key theories and theorists, including non-western perspectives, in tracing the evolution of political thought from antiquity to the present day Published in association with The Foundations of Political Theory, an organized section of (...)
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    Web-Based Psychoeducation Program for Caregivers of First-Episode of Psychosis: An Experience of Chinese Population in Hong Kong.Sherry K. W. Chan, Samson Tse, Harrison L. T. Sin, Christy L. M. Hui, Edwin H. M. Lee, Wing C. Chang & Eric Y. H. Chen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Strong Relation Between an EEG Functional Connectivity Measure and Postmenstrual Age: A New Potential Tool for Measuring Neonatal Brain Maturation.Laura Anna van de Pol, Charlotte van ’T. Westende, Inge Zonnenberg, Esther Koedam, Ineke van Rossum, Willem de Haan, Marjan Steenweg, Elisabeth Catharina van Straaten & Cornelis Jan Stam - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  33. Reasons for Facebook Usage: Data From 46 Countries.Marta Kowal, Piotr Sorokowski, Agnieszka Sorokowska, Małgorzata Dobrowolska, Katarzyna Pisanski, Anna Oleszkiewicz, Grace Akello, Charlotte Alm, Afifa Anjum, Kelly Asao, Boris Bizumic, Mahmoud Boussena, David M. Buss, Marina Butovskaya, Seda Can, Katarzyna Cantarero, Hakan Cetinkaya, Marco A. C. Varella, Rosa M. Cueto, Marcin Czub, Seda Dural, Ignacio Estevan, Carla S. Esteves, Jorge Contreras-Graduño, Ivana Hromatko, Chin-Ming Hui, Feng Jiang, Konstantinos Kafetsios, András Láng, Torun Lindholm, Giulia Lopez, Mohammad Madallh Alhabahba, Rocío Martínez, Norbert Meskó, Conal Monaghan, Bojan Musil, Jean C. Natividade, Elisabeth Oberzaucher, Mohd S. Omar Fauzee, Baris Özener, Ariela F. Pagani, Miriam Parise, Farid Pazhoohi, Mariia Perun, Nejc Plohl, Camelia Popa, Pavol Prokop, Muhammad Rizwan, Mario Sainz, Christin-Melanie Vauclair & Stanislava Yordanova Stoyanova - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:505966.
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    (1 other version)A Multidimensional PERMA-H Positive Education Model, General Satisfaction of School Life, and Character Strengths Use in Hong Kong Senior Primary School Students: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Path Analysis Using the APASO-II.Man K. Lai, Cynthia Leung, Sylvia Y. C. Kwok, Anna N. N. Hui, Herman H. M. Lo, Janet T. Y. Leung & Cherry H. L. Tam - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Impossible Sacrifice of Poetry: Bataille and the Nancian Critique of Sacrifice.Elisabeth Arnould - 1996 - Diacritics 26 (2):86-96.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Impossible Sacrifice of Poetry: Bataille and the Nancian Critique of SacrificeElisabeth Arnould (bio)When, at the very center of his Inner Experience, Bataille arrives at what he calls the “uppermost extremity of non-meaning,” he stages for us one of the principal scenes of his “sacrifice of knowledge.” It depicts Rimbaud, turning his back on his works, making the ultimate and definitive sacrifice of poetry. This scene, which complements two (...)
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  36. Beyond Automaticity: The Psychological Complexity of Skill.Elisabeth Pacherie & Myrto Mylopoulos - 2020 - Topoi 40 (3):649-662.
    The objective of this paper is to characterize the rich interplay between automatic and cognitive control processes that we propose is the hallmark of skill, in contrast to habit, and what accounts for its flexibility. We argue that this interplay isn't entirely hierarchical and static, but rather heterarchical and dynamic. We further argue that it crucially depends on the acquisition of detailed and well-structured action representations and internal models, as well as the concomitant development of metacontrol processes that can be (...)
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    Young and Middle-Aged Schoolteachers Differ in the Neural Correlates of Memory Encoding and Cognitive Fatigue: A Functional MRI Study.Elissa B. Klaassen, Sarah Plukaard, Elisabeth A. T. Evers, Renate H. M. de Groot, Walter H. Backes, Dick J. Veltman & Jelle Jolles - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  38.  38
    Legal and ethical framework for global health information and biospecimen exchange - an international perspective.Lara Bernasconi, Selçuk Şen, Luca Angerame, Apolo P. Balyegisawa, Damien Hong Yew Hui, Maximilian Hotter, Chung Y. Hsu, Tatsuya Ito, Francisca Jörger, Wolfgang Krassnitzer, Adam T. Phillips, Rui Li, Louise Stockley, Fabian Tay, Charlotte von Heijne Widlund, Ming Wan, Creany Wong, Henry Yau, Thomas F. Hiemstra, Yagiz Uresin & Gabriela Senti - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-8.
    The progress of electronic health technologies and biobanks holds enormous promise for efficient research. Evidence shows that studies based on sharing and secondary use of data/samples have the potential to significantly advance medical knowledge. However, sharing of such resources for international collaboration is hampered by the lack of clarity about ethical and legal requirements for transfer of data and samples across international borders. Here, the International Clinical Trial Center Network reports the legal and ethical requirements governing data and sample exchange (...)
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  39. Two Varieties of Literary Imagination: Metaphor, Fiction, and Thought Experiments.Elisabeth Camp - 2009 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 33 (1):107-130.
    Recently, philosophers have discovered that they have a lot to learn from, or at least to ponder about, fiction. Many metaphysicians are attracted to fiction as a model for our talk about purported objects and properties, such as numbers, morality, and possible worlds, without embracing a robust Platonist ontology. In addition, a growing group of philosophers of mind are interested in the implications of our engagement with fiction for our understanding of the mind and emotions: If I don’t believe that (...)
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    Advance care planning for frail older people in China: A discussion paper.Ren-Li Deng, Jia-Zhong Duan, Jiang-Hui Zhang, Jia-Rui Miao, Liu-Liu Chen & Diana T. F. Lee - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (6):1696-1706.
    As the aging population, including frail older people, continues to grow in Mainland China, quality of life and end-of-life care for frail older people has attracted much attention. Advance care planning is an effective way to improve end-of-life care for people with advanced diseases, and it is widely used in developed countries; however, it is a new concept in Mainland China. The effects of advance care planning and its acceptability in Mainland China are uncertain because of its culture-sensitive characteristics. The (...)
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  41. Evolutionary Psychology: The Burdens of Proof.Elisabeth A. Lloyd - 1999 - Biology and Philosophy 14 (2):211-233.
    I discuss two types of evidential problems with the most widely touted experiments in evolutionary psychology, those performed by Leda Cosmides and interpreted by Cosmides and John Tooby. First, and despite Cosmides and Tooby's claims to the contrary, these experiments don't fulfil the standards of evidence of evolutionary biology. Second Cosmides and Tooby claim to have performed a crucial experiment, and to have eliminated rival approaches. Though they claim that their results are consistent with their theory but contradictory to the (...)
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    Nature, Truth, and Value: Exploring the Thinking of Frederick Ferrz.George Allan, Merle Allshouse, Harley Chapman, John B. Cobb, John Compton, Donald A. Crosby, Paul T. Durbin, Barbara Meister Ferré, Frederick Ferré, Frank B. Golley, Joseph Grange, John Granrose, David Ray Griffin, David Keller, Eugene Thomas Long, Elisabethe Segars McRae, Leslie A. Muray, William L. Power, James F. Salmon, Hans Julius Schneider, Dr Kristin Shrader-Frechette, Udo E. Simonis, Donald Wayne Viney & Clark Wolf (eds.) - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    In this thorough compendium, nineteen accomplished scholars explore, in some manner the values they find inherent in the world, their nature, and revelence through the thought of Frederick FerrZ. These essays, informed by the insights of FerrZ and coming from manifold perspectives—ethics, philosophy, theology, and environmental studies, advance an ambitious challenge to current intellectual and scholarly fashions.
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    Modest Sociality: Continuities and Discontinuities.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2014 - Journal of Social Ontology 1 (1):17-26.
    A central claim in Michael Bratman’s account of shared agency is that there need be no radical conceptual, metaphysical or normative discontinuity between robust forms of small-scale shared intentional agency, i.e., modest sociality, and individual planning agency. What I propose to do is consider another potential discontinuity, whose existence would throw doubt on his contention that the structure of a robust form of modest sociality is entirely continuous with structures at work in individual planning agency. My main point will be (...)
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    “I Can't Get No Satisfaction”: Measuring Student Satisfaction in the Age of a Consumerist Higher Education.Senior Carl, Moores Elisabeth & P. Burgess Adrian - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  45. version presented at the 2006 Pacific APA Why Isn't Sarcasm Semantic, Anyway?* Nearly everyone assumes that sarcasm is a pragmatic phenomenon. But we can also construct a prima facie plausible..Elisabeth Camp - unknown
    Nearly everyone shares the intuition that sarcasm or verbal irony1 is a use of language in which speaker meaning and sentence meaning come apart. Two millennia ago, Quintilian defined irony as speech in which “we understand something which is the opposite of what is actually said.”2 More recently, Josef Stern sharply distinguishes metaphor, which he argues is semantic, from irony: in the latter case, he says, we are not “even tempted to posit an ironic meaning in the utterance in addition (...)
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    Die Antrittsvorlesung: Wiener Universitätsreden der Philosophischen Fakultät.Thomas Assinger, Elisabeth Grabenweger & Annegret Pelz (eds.) - 2019 - Göttingen: Vienna University Press.
    This edited collection brings together thirteen inaugural lectures given at the 'old' philosophical faculty of the University of Vienna. It presents the voices of important representatives of humanities, cultural and natural sciences through programmatic texts from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. Some published for the first time, the lectures have been annotated by renowned scholars in terms of disciplinary, scientific and academic history as well as socio-political context. Hence, this volume contributes substantially to the so far under-researched history (...)
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    The poetry of Emily Dickinson: philosophical perspectives.Elisabeth Camp (ed.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    One of America's most celebrated poets, Emily Dickinson was virtually unpublished in her lifetime. When a slim volume of her poems emerged on the American scene in 1890, her work created shockwaves that have not subsided yet. Famously precise and sparse, Emily Dickinson's poetry is often described as philosophical, both because her poetry grapples with philosophical topics like death, spirituality, and the darkening operations of the mind, and because she approaches those topics in a characteristically philosophical manner: analyzing and extrapolating (...)
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  48. Normativität in den Cultural Studies : intellektuelle Praxis als Politik.Elisabeth Tuider - 2011 - In Johannes Ahrens, Raphael Beer, Uwe H. Bittlingmayer & Jürgen Gerdes, Normativität: über die Hintergründe sozialwissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.
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    Transzendenz und Rationalität.Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt, Benjamin Häfele & Christian P. Hölzchen (eds.) - 2019 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen in grossem Massstab, von der Pluralisierung der Gesellschaft, der Digitalisierung, die als Vierte Kulturtechnik bezeichnet wird, bis hin zur Widerfahrnis von Kontingenzen wie Armut und Flüchtlingsströmen oder Umweltkatastrophen, stellen die Verantwortungsfähigkeit des Menschen vor neue Herausforderungen. Es wird dabei deutlich: Humanität und Vernunft, Würde und Freiheit verdanken ihren Gehalt und ihre Gestalt einem die Vernunft selbst übersteigenden Transzendenten, in dem die Vernunft je und je ihres eigenen Grundes ansichtig werden kann. Dass dieses Verhältnis zwischen Vernunft und ihrem transzendenten (...)
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    How it feels is a series of questions; Listen.; The English boy; Age 16.Elisabeth Blair - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):173.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 45, no. 1. © 2019 by Elisabeth Blair 173 How it feels is a series of questions Are you home now, or in the body of a bird? Do you drown, or do you sit calm in the watery air? And the fire—did you light it yourself, or did someone you know, or someone you have yet to meet? Can you sit quiet by it or (...)
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